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Chapter I(4 / 5)

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of ell after all, the thod of nnectg the nose given to by y father can ell all the auras the orld ho can i distguish the rong degree of chan?

nrtunately, i don039t unicate ith anials otherise, i really ant to ask here it lives

nurse, this is jt y reverie y urose is to nt y siritual nscioness on it, and then i tend to let it


eath ti, i039 but i039 a very danro situation y aura on earth is alost siir to y on hysical strenh, and i can039t directly a the air this is al the rean hy i rever very sloly hen i as jt ursug, i had asted all y reag aura no it sees that i can only rely first and then fd it

no it039s a ity that there is nothg on the of kunn excet ice and sno i took out a shovel fro y stored ul rg and dug a iece of ice on the sot

nn039t care i039ll

eak it directly and send it to y outh i can only rever as on as oss039t kno if i can fd sace ti today

i felt that a trace of aura sur y s and idiately feel y siritual nscioness only hen i found the fox can i ho, i don039t have uch ti aordg to the earth ti, there are only 9 hours left fro toorro i have to fd the fox quickly

nnt, i found thg rong y siritual nscioness as right under y x underground?quot i feel deserate hat can i do? even if i a full of ice of this thickness, i can039t hit the f the earth a day!

i still didn039t give u i idiately icked u the shovel and as ready to do it no but thk carefully, the fox t have another ay to enter should i fd an

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